Egy srác megérkezik valahová, egy lány megindul valahonnan.
Egy történet. Vagy kettő. Vagy sokkal több?
Egy fiúé és egy lányé. Egymás felé tartanak, és van egy pont, ahová megérkeznek.
Találkoznak? Talán nem is ez a fontos.
A könyvet bármelyik irányból olvashatod.
0–99 éveseknek
Foreign Rights
Dániel Szinvai
Hardcover: 40 pages
Dimensions: 150×150 mm
ISBN: 978-615-5649-84-4
Year of Publication: 2024
For all age groups
A guy arrives somewhere, a girl sets off from somewhere.
One story. Or two. Or maybe many more?
It’s the story of a boy and a girl. They are heading toward each other, and there’s a point where they both arrive.
Will they meet? Perhaps that’s not even the important part.
You can read this book from either direction.
They say every story has two sides, but how many ways can it be read? Parallel by Dániel Szinvai immediately captures attention with its unique design: two covers and two blurbs, inviting readers to decide whether to enter the story from the boy’s side or the girl’s. Or is it even one story, and not two separate ones? A boy and a girl head towards each other – or are they simply headed to the same destination? Will they meet along the way? At the book’s midpoint, there’s a bird’s-eye view where they do – almost. Everything depends on how you turn the book. Just as readers’ choices shape their experience, so too do the characters’ choices shape their journey.
The lyrical text unfolds in two voices, with alternating lines that reflect on each other. These lines can be read separately or together, creating a rich, layered narrative experience.
Foreign Rights
Csimota sells rights throughout the world. If you are interested in publishing one of our books/series or wish to receive further information you can contact: Dóra Csányi
Books Foreign Rights Catalogue 2025
Kamishibai Foreign Rights Catalogue 2025